
We address our information and offers exclusively to professional and semi-professional investors. They are not suitable for private investors.

Professional investor

see section 1 (19) no. 32 KAGB (German Capital Investment Code)

Professional investor means any investor who is considered a professional client within the meaning of Annex II to Directive 2004/39/EC or who may be treated as a professional client upon request.

Semi-professional investor

see section 1 (19) no. 33 KAGB

Semiprofessional investor is
every investor,
who undertakes to invest at least 200,000 euros,
who states in writing in a document separate from the investment commitment agreement that he is aware of the risks associated with the proposed commitment or investment,
whose expertise, experience and knowledge the AIF management company or the marketing company appointed by it assesses without presuming that the investor has the market knowledge and experience of the investors listed in Section I of Annex II to Directive 2004/39/EC,
where the AIF management company or the marketing company appointed by it is satisfied, having regard to the nature of the proposed obligation or investment, that it is in a position to make its own investment decisions and understands the risks involved and that such an obligation is appropriate for the investor concerned, and
to which the AIF management company or the marketing company acting on its behalf confirms in writing that it has carried out the valuation referred to in point cc and that the conditions referred to in point dd have been met,
a director referred to in Article 37(1) or employee of the AIF management company, where he invests in AIF managed by the AIF management company, or a member of the management or board of directors of an externally managed investment company, where he invests in the externally managed investment company,
any investor who undertakes to invest at least EUR 10 million in an investment fund,

each investor in legal form of
a public-law institution,
a foundation under public law, or
a company in which the confederation or a federal state holds a majority stake,

if, at the time of the investment of the institution, foundation or partnership, the federal government or the state is invested in the special aif in question.

The content of this website is for your information only. They do not constitute an offer or recommendation to buy or sell securities, fund units or the like. The information provided here is not suitable for making such investment decisions. The content preparation and supply of sales documents are subject to strict regulation, which can only be fulfilled by written documents obtained from 5QRE. Nor does 5QRE intend to use the information on this website to promote the sale of investment products. Finally, the information on this website is not intended to provide legal or tax advice.

The sole binding basis for the purchase of fund units in the AIFs managed by Five Quarters Real Estate AG are the valid contractual documents and the latest annual report. These can be obtained free of charge from Five Quarters Real Estate AG. Insofar as investment funds are distributed via this website, their units may only be distributed in the Federal Republic of Germany.

The layout of this website, the image material used, the individual text contributions and the collection of these contributions are protected by copyright. We are pleased about the reproduction or forwarding of information from our website if it takes place under certain conditions. Either our prior consent must be obtained for reproduction or transfer, or the transfer takes place by reference / link to the entire website (WWW.5QRE.COM). 5QRE is not liable for the content of any third party websites to which this website contains links. This applies even if they look so similar to our website that it might be assumed that they are the website of 5QRE.

If past performance is shown, no conclusions can be drawn about future performance. It cannot be excluded that in the event of a return or sale, the investor will not receive back the invested capital in full or in part. To the extent that statements on this website do not point to historical facts, these are expectations, estimates or forecasts. As a result, they may differ from actual results in the future.

Despite careful preparation of the website, we assume no liability for the correctness, completeness, accuracy or appropriateness of the information and estimates. This applies in particular to any legal or tax components of the presentation. No liability is assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information retrieved from this website.

The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) has granted Five Quarters Real Estate AG permission to operate as an AIF capital management company.

Sustainability-related disclosures

Sustainability-related disclosure in accordance with Art. 3 of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) – Regulation (EU) 2019/2088

Statement on principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors | English Summary

Sustainability-related disclosure pursuant to Art. 5 of the SFDR

Principal Adverse Impacts (PAI) Guideline

Funds currently being distributed

Fund name: 5QRE Healthcare Infrastructure Germany 01
Legal type: Open-ended special AIF with special investment conditions
Regional allocation: Germany
Sectoral allocation: Healthcare property
Classification according to the SFDR: Article 8 fund

Further product-specific information is available to professional and semi-professional investors on request.